Bias As Long
StandardName(32) As Integer
StandardDate As SYSTEMTIME
StandardBias As Long
DaylightName(32) As Integer
DaylightDate As SYSTEMTIME
DaylightBias As Long
End Type

This structure contains information about the time zone for this system.

字段 类型与说明
Bias Long,Used to translate local time into coordinated universal time (UTC) time. The bias is the difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time. The following formula is used: UTC = local time + bias.
StandardName Integer Array,A double-byte null-terminated Unicode string that describes the standard time zone for the system. This field is not used internally and may be set to zero.
StandardDate SYSTEMTIME,Contains a date and UTC time describing when the transition from daylight time to standard time occurs on this system. Set the wMonth field to zero to ignore this field.
StandardBias Long,Value to add to the Bias field when standard time is in effect. Ignored if StandardDate is not used.
DaylightName Integer Array,A double-byte null-terminated Unicode string used to describe the daylight time zone for this system. This field is not used internally and may be set to zero.
DaylightDate SYSTEMTIME,Contains a date and UTC time describing when the transition from standard time to daylight time occurs on this system. Set the wMonth field to zero to ignore this field.
DaylightBias Long,Value to add to the Bias field when daylight saving time is in effect. Ignored if DaylightDate is not used.